Venture Presentations
The Challenge of Leadership Seminar
Venture Reflection Exercise 3

sweet spot

Tying it all together

Reflecting on your responses to the first two reflection exercises, complete the following to identify your “sweet spot” – where the three areas above converge to help you discover your venture idea. Remember, you will be presenting these four questions in seminar.

Venture Summary



As you know, we believe successful ventures don’t just make an impact in the world, they also stretch you as a leader and motivate you. Give us some updates on how you personally are doing regarding the venture. We want to make sure it’s stretching you as a leader and motivating you.

Now halfway through your venture development, tell us how you are feeling:

Elevator Pitch

In Seminar 2, you will be presenting your venture using the 4 part “elevator pitch” format below. Each of the 4 parts should be one sentence each. Please follow this model. You will have 2 minutes in Seminar 2 to talk us through these 4 points.

These responses will be displayed via powerpoint in front of your peers – please craft these with this consideration and attention! 

In Seminar 3, you will be presenting your venture using the 5 part “elevator pitch” format below. Each of the 5 parts should be one sentence each. Please follow this model. You will have 2 minutes in Seminar 3 to talk us through these 5 points.

These responses will be displayed via powerpoint in front of your peers – please craft these with this consideration and attention!

Your earlier elevator pitch responses for Questions 1-4 are shown below to help you form your responses.

This is meant to be a statement of the big picture goal. What problem are you trying to solve or what opportunity are you trying to create? This is your dream. Your vision for the world.

This is meant to be your hypothesis or theory of why change will happen. What do you believe will cause the change to occur or is hindering that change from happening now? It should connect the big picture goal [“I want to…] with what you will tactically do to bring about that change [Therefore I will…].

This is meant to be your venture in a single sentence. This sentence should include specificity and follow the format of: what are you doing for how many of whom in/at where by when?

This is meant to clearly define progress and success. How will you know if you are making the progress you need to make or having the impact you hope to have? This should challenge you to think very specifically about what the impact looks like, how to measure it, and ideally, how to quantify it.

This is meant to be the biggest obstacle facing your venture. What is hindering your success? What do you need help with most?

In Seminar 4, you will be presenting your venture using the 6 part “elevator pitch” format below. Each of the 6 parts should be one sentence each. Please follow this model. You will have 2 minutes in Seminar 4 to talk us through these 6 points.

These responses will be displayed via powerpoint in front of your classmates – please craft these with this consideration and attention!

Your earlier elevator pitch responses for Questions 1-4 are shown below to help you form your responses.
In Seminar 4, you will be presenting your venture using the 6 part “elevator pitch” format below. Each of the 6 parts should be one sentence each. Please follow this model. You will have 4 minutes in Seminar 4 to talk us through these 6 points.

These responses will be displayed via powerpoint in front of your classmates – please craft these with this consideration and attention!

Your earlier elevator pitch responses for Questions 1-4 are shown below to help you form your responses.

In one sentence, what was your big goal?

In one sentence, what did you believe needed to happen to achieve your big goal?

In one sentence, what did you try to do to address what challenge or opportunity for whom, where, and by when? This sentence should include specificity and follow the format of: what you committed to do for how many of whom in/at where by when.

In one sentence, what have you actually done to address what challenge or opportunity for whom, where, and by when? This sentence should include specificity and follow the format of: what you have done for how many f whom in/at where by when.

In three bullet points, what have you learned as a result of doing this venture? This could be about the problem/opportunity you are addressing, about yourself, about lessons learned that might benefit others pursuing a similar venture.

What I am committed to do going forward is...

In three bullet points for each time period, what are your milestones in the next 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years?

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Venture Impact
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