We call people who build social trust in their communities “weavers.” Meet three in these lightning talks, where they tell their stories with 20 slides and just 20 seconds on each. Join us on Monday, June 17th at 7:00pm Eastern Time (6:00pm Central Time, 5:00pm Mountain Time, 4:00pm Pacific Time). Featuring: Jason Sears, who splits his time between Boise, ID and Seattle, WA, providing support for people to create a village feel inside their neighborhoods, workplaces, and families. LaToya Thomas from Washington, DC, who works with neighbors, developers, and government so communities have a voice in their own growth. Ray Pun of Redwood City, CA, who helps libraries become the hub for connected communities. Free and virtual on Zoom. If there are any accommodations our team can provide to ensure a meaningful experience, please let us know at weavehelp@aspeninstitute.org.
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Monday, June 17th at 7:00pm Eastern Time (6:00pm Central Time, 5:00pm Mountain Time, 4:00pm Pacific Time)
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Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84822034657?pwd=MkoxUExINnpHNUhFbHlMN2hZMzkzQT09 Meeting ID: 848 2203 4657 Passcode: 147061 One tap mobile +19294362866,,84822034657#,,,,*147061# US +13017158592,,84822034657#,,,,*147061# US
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